Wednesday, 30 May 2007


Greetings and salutations, interwebs. I'm Alex, from Toronto, and I run a comic called Tales of a Neo-Luddite. I have a fancy-paper BAhon in Cultural Studies Critical Theory from McMaster University in Hamilton, ON, Canada. Also in Art, which I found out is like the Australian Rules football of culture.

I build robots, draw comics, and moderate a couple of livejournal communities for fun, but not yet any profit worth noting. I hope to quit my dayjob and become a full-time designer and illustrator in the near future, but a distracting love of machinery and critical theory has thus far broken my focus.

My favorite theorists are Julia Kristeva and Donna Haraway, because liminal space is awesome.

1 comment:

Helen Merrick said...

Welcome Alex!
Sounds like you're just our kind of grrl.. as far as giving up the day job - if you want designing, drawing plus the chance to play and do critical theory then surely a PhD is the way to go? :-)

Over here we also do a doctorate in creative arts so 50-70% of your doctoral work can be creative.
sales pitch over :-)