Tuesday, 1 May 2007

userpics & slushbombs

I was thinking that one thing we can do on this blog is give heads up to S about cool userpics we see. (I won't explain here, but S is doing a DCA which involves looking at female self-representation on web2.0).

So I really liked the look of this one cos its so sfnal.

Then I also saw velourmane's notice about the "Call to Women Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Slush Bomb Analog, August 18 2007" :

What's a slush bomb?

A community effort of women science fiction and fantasy writers will be sending our work to Analog on August 18, 2007. Why not join us?

Historical and social trends have led to an imbalance in science fiction -- in many of the major markets, more men than women are published. There's a lot of debate about why this happens, but one undeniable reason is that more men than women submit their work to the major magazines.

The slush bomb strives to lessen this imbalance by organizing community efforts for women to send their work to major markets on the same day. Last year, Charles Coleman Finlay organized the first slush bomb, which went to the Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Analog is the market we've selected this year because it is the most traditionally masculine of the three big markets. It publishes hard science fiction, a genre that has historically been male-dominated. Among other things, hopefully this year's slush bomb will encourage more women to write some hard SF!
See here for more!

I love it! a very cyberfeministy SF action :-)


1 comment:

sajbrfem said...

lovely userpic, and I just love the idea of a slush bomb!