Tuesday, 29 May 2007

the look

A bit of an adminny post here - first it would be good to get those introductions happening, as I have invited a couple of others to join - including another Net Studies PhD who is in Victoria.

Also tho I don't mind the layout of this new template I cannot live with the bright pink background. really I can't - it hurts my eyes. I tried to change it, but it would only change colour halfwaydown the page. So come on you young web2.0 savvy geekgrrls - show me the way. I can't believe we're still sitting here with a standard template ;-)

As a female student commented in a guest lecture I gave last week: 'its not really worth doing your own blog unless you write the code yourself'! well, perhaps we don't have to go that far, but consider the gauntlet thrown girls!


Cynthia said...

workin' on it...no where near done yet :) of course....contributions welcome

Cynthia said...

yes yes, now its purple and all dark and stuff, but it's a start and it's not pink anymore :)

Cynthia said...

there is also this one if you want..or I can take requests but be gentle with me (comments wont accept links or images so cut and pasties) http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s267/sinderbug/scshotbanana.jpg I should stop slacking off...

Helen Merrick said...

ohhh like this much better... blaaaack - much better than pink :-)

lost the end of your link there cynth - can't you do linked tags here?

lets test it on curtin

I just used a href ...

Helen Merrick said...

ok so that didn't quite work... :-)

'Nother thing: it would be good to finalise the look, cos then I want to put in the code that shows recent comments .. and perhaps also the one for expandable posts? tho we've all been quite concise so far, that may change once we get into 'reading group' type discussions.

Any other widgets people think we gotta have?

Cynthia said...

didn't actually think of that!! it was a looooong day
its here!
the only thing is with that linked piccy is that circuits kind of annoy me - predictable cyber stuff (flesh avoidant too) and done to death really but I'm up for a majority rules thing...